
Playa Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge

Playa Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge

  Playa Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge is a conservation practices paradise that offers visitors a chance to enjoy the magnificence of the Golf Dulce and along with the rugged wilderness of its surrounding rainforests. The unpretentious, low-key and well-maintained eco lodge follows a gamut of sustainable practices that are aimed at deconstructing the true essence of […]

Lagarta Lodge

Lagarta Lodge

  Surrounded by stunning vistas of the Pacific on a side, while being privy to views of the adjoining rainforests on the other, Lagarta Lodge is a 90-acre nature paradise that features everything from dense mangroves to thriving rainforests to rare wildlife species. Visitors can witness an assortment of topographical wonders such as river beds, […]

Inti Resort and Villas

Inti Resort and Villas

Inti Resort and Villas is a tiny, no-fuss Feng Shui resort that is located about 20 kilometers from the charming Cahuita village on Costa Rica’s oft chronicled Caribbean Coast. Right next door to the resort is the thriving National Park of Cahuita (which welcomes guests with cries of howler monkeys, a rich assortment of rare […]

Finca Exotica

Finca Exotica

  Emitting a ‘rustic sophistication’ combines with eco-tourism values appeal, Finca Exotica, true to its fancy name is a luxury property set amidst Osa’s isolated beaches and its much touted tropical rainforests. Guests can be privy to a wide range of experiences from tasting thoroughbred organic grown of the lodge’s in-house farm to witnessing the […]

Esquinas Rainforest Lodge

Esquinas Rainforest Lodge

  Located on the beautiful Piedra Blancas National Park in the Southern region of Costa Rica’s popular vacation spot – the Osa Peninsula, Equinas Rainforest Lodge combines the best of the wilderness appeal of the nation’s rainforests with the tranquility of its castaway beaches. The lodge is situated on Corcovado National Park’s extension and is […]