Playa Negra Waveriders


SUP Stand Up Paddleboarding

The relatively new water sport of Stand Up Paddle boarding (SUP) is taking off all over the world. The reason for this explosive growth is the flexibility and variety that it offers to all levels of participants. Another attraction and benefit is the amazing full-body workout that it provides while enjoying the sport.

SUP---Stand-Up-Paddleboarding-with-Waveriders---300pxPeople have been very creative with different SUP activities. For instance: Wave riding the wake of a tanker ship, riding behind a large paddle wheel boat, riding river rapids and gliding down a mountain on the snow. Racing is quickly becoming one of the fastest growing SUP favorites. The ISA is holding a SUP World Championship in Nicaragua this year (2014).

In Playa Negra, Stand Up Paddleboarding is offered by SUP Waveriders. They have many years of experience in ocean surf and their prime focus and expertise is getting people out SUPing on the ocean so they can renew their own appreciation of it.

They are also dedicated and passionate about SUP safety. Fun and skill improvement, is their specialty.

Some may call it “walking on water” where one has this spectacular view of the wildlife from above and can appreciate its magnificent beauty. As well, you may be catching your first waves on a SUP board or just want to improve your wave riding skills. Playa Negra Waveriders will get you out there “rippen up” those waves !

Contact Playa Negra Waveriders

For more information please visit our website or call Kevin:
Phone Numbers: (+506) 2652 9420 / 8702 7894 / Canada & USA 705 302 4342
Location: Playa Negra, Guanacaste

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