National Parks

National Parks and protected natural areas of Costa Rica

Diria National Park

Diria National Park

Near the town of Santa Cruz on the Nicoya Peninsula, Diria National Park is located. In 1991, the Diria National Park was initially created as a wildlife refuge and it was established to preserve forests on the Nicoya Peninsula which is  one of the first regions of Costa Rica colonized by the Spanish. It is set […]

Carara National Park

Carara National Park

Carara is one of Costa Rica’s most popular National Parks, uniquely situated near the Pacific coast of Costa Rica.   It is 9.3 miles (15 km) north of Jaco and about an hour from San Jose. This park is a common destination for field trips by school children. Many cruise ship’s passengers also bused for a day trip in this park when the […]

Braulio Carrillo National Park

Braulio Carrillo National Park

Situated on the Caribbean, between Puerto Limón and San Jose, Braulio Carrillo National Park is a National Park of the Volcanic Cordillera Conservation Area. This park  is named after the third president of Costa Rica. This park is considered as the second largest park of the Costa Rica. The park includes different sleeping volcanoes like Cerro Cacho Negro, Cerros las Tres Marias and […]

Barra Honda National Park

Barra Honda National Park

Among the national parks of Costa Rica, Barra Honda National Park is unique and it is in the western part of Costa Rica which forms part of the Tempisque Conservation Area about 12 km (7.46 mi) from the Tempisque River. Tempisque River is flowing  from the Guanacaste Cordillera near theOrosí Volcano and emptying into the Gulf of Nicoya.