By shamsul on July 15, 2012
Animals, Fish, Mammals, Marine Animals

Common Name: The Humpback Whale Type: Mammal Family: Balaenopteridae Range: The Humpback whales are available in a number of locations like Mediterranean and Great Barrier Reef. It is found in almost all around the world; these whales usually migrate up to 16000 miles (25,000 kilometers) each year. Humpbacks Whale feed only during summer, in polar […]
By shamsul on July 14, 2012
Animals, Fish, Mammals, Marine Animals

Common Name: Tiger Shark Type: Fish / Mammal Family: Carcharhinidae Range: Tiger Sharks are available from Caribbean Sea to the Atlantic coast of the United States and from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to the Gulf of Mexico. The Pacific coast tiger sharks are normally found from southern California. In the western central Pacific, tiger sharks are […]
By shamsul on July 14, 2012
Animals, Fish, Mammals, Marine Animals

Common Name: Blue Whale Type: Mammal Family: Balaenopteridae Range: Blue whales always live at the surface of the ocean and are available in all the oceans of the world. The blue whale is usually found in temperate and cold waters. It has a preference to the deeper ocean waters to coastal waters. They are available […]
By shamsul on April 19, 2012
Animals, Fish, Marine Animals

Common Name: Sea Horse Type: Fish Family: Syngnathidae Range: Seahorse is found in shallow tropical and temperate waters throughout the world. You will come across the Pacific Seahorse during your dives in water of Costa Rica. The diving in Costa Rica can be very rewarding. Scuba diving at Coco Island, Drake Bay and at several […]
By shamsul on March 16, 2012
Animals, Fish, Marine Animals

Common Name: Grouper Type: Fish Family: Serranidae Range: The most common and prominent species of Grouper, Nassau and Black grouper are available in abundant in tropical and subtropical seas. The Nassau is having an oblong large body with big eyes and spiky fins. The Black groper has an oblong large body and a big lower […]