Reptiles & Amphibians

Reptiles and Amphibians in Costa Rica

Tropical Rattlesnake

Tropical Rattlesnake

Common Name: Tropical rattlesnake Type: Reptile Family: Viperidae Range: The Tropical rattlesnake is a reptile that is found mainly in forests of Southern Mexico, Central America, and Brazil to Argentina including Rainforest of Costa Rica. Also found in the national Parks, i.e. Santa Rosa National Park, and Palo Verde National Park. Mostly found in low […]

Sea Snakes

Sea Snakes

Common Name: Sea Snakes Type: Reptile Family: Hydrophiinae Range: Hydrophiinae family sea snakes are mostly confined to the warm tropical waters of the western Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean. And few species found into Oceanic also. Sea snakes do not occur in the Atlantic Ocean and Red sea. These can be found in several parts […]

Poison Dart Frogs

Poison Dart Frogs

Common Name: poison dart frogs, poison arrow frogs Type: Amphibian Family: Dendrobatidae Range: The Poison Dart Frogs are found mainly in rainforests Throughout the Central and South U.S., Mexico, and Costa Rica and on a few Hawaiian islands. Size: The Poison dart frogs are 1 in (2.5 centimeters) long. Several may reach to a length […]



Common Name: Lizard Type: Reptile Family: Squomata Range: The different species of lizards range through a diversity of habitats, normally frequenting humid areas of foothills and mountains, but also can be found ranging down into the drier grasslands, staying close to rivers and streams. These are Secretive by nature, they hide under windfall, bushes, and […]

Green Iguana

Green Iguana

Common Name: Green Iguana, Common iguana Type: Reptile Family: Iguanidae Range: The green iguana is a reptile that is found mainly in rain forests of northern Central America, several parts of Costa Rica, Mexico, the Caribbean Islands, and southern Brazil. Size: The green iguanas can reach to a length of 6.6 (2 meters). However the […]