By shamsul on February 8, 2012
Animals, Mammals

Common Name: Skunks Type: Mammal, Scientific name: Mephitis Mephitis Costa Rica’s Skunks: Striped Hog-nosed Skunk – Conepatus semistriatus Family: Skunks are considered part of the family Mustelidae, which also includes badgers and other small burrowing animals. Weight: 7 oz to 14 lbs (198 g to 6 kg) Mephitis mephitis Average length: It can be about […]
By shamsul on February 8, 2012
Animals, Mammals

Common Name: Raccoon Type: Mammal Family: Procyonids Range: The Raccoon is an animal that is found mainly in forests near streams. It is also found in small wooded countryside, suburbs and cities where it accommodates well to human presence. Throughout U.S., Mexico, and Costa Rica. Size: The Raccoon is a robust animal of medium size, […]
By shamsul on February 3, 2012
Animals, Mammals

Common Name: Coyote Type: Mammal Family: Canidae such as wolves and domestic dogs (German shepherd), coyote looks remarkably like his two cousins. Range: Throughout the U.S., Mexico, and Costa Rica. Size: 40-46″ in length, 24-36″ tall Weight: 25-33 lbs. 19-25 lbs. Diet: Smaller mammals, fruit, carrion. Rabbits, rodents, birds, amphibians, lizards, snakes, fish, crustaceans and […]
By Sam on December 11, 2011
Private Reserves, Southern Nicoya, Wildlife Rescue Centers

Curu Wildlife Reserve is a small, but very biologically diverse, private beachfront park between Paquera and Tambor on the southern Nicoya Peninsula.
By Costa Rica Journeys on October 17, 2011
Animals, Birds

Considered as an endangered species, the Scarlet Macaw may probably be the most beautiful and striking breed of macaw the world has ever seen. This bird is also the largest parrot in the world with a size that can grow as long as 33 inches–from beak to tail. With an almost featherless face and impeccably […]