By shamsul on April 20, 2012
Animals, Mammals

Common Name: Coati Type: Mammal Family: Procyonidae Range: Coatis are available from South America, throughout Central America and the southern united State. They are most common in the Guanacaste province of Costa Rica, where they are famous to have two liters in a year. They are frequently found in the Manual Antonio National Park, Cahuita […]
By shamsul on April 20, 2012
Animals, Mammals

Common Name: Armadillos Type: Mammal Family: Dasypodinae Range: All Armadillos species are inhabitant to America; they can survive in different environments. They are available in Central America and in the South, especially in Paraguay to Argentina and the adjacent areas. They are also found in Florida and South Carolina. Armadillos are available in all parts […]
By shamsul on April 20, 2012
Animals, Mammals

Common Name: Squirrel Type: Mammal Family: Sciuridae Range: This bushy-tailed squirrel or red tailed Squirrel is found throughout the Costa Rica, Trinidad, Columbia, Tobago, Panama, Venezuela, and Ecuador. The back and sides of this short-haired, furry squirrel is reddish brown in color, but some squirrels have a darker colored skin. The color of the tail […]
By shamsul on April 20, 2012
Animals, Mammals

Common Name: porcupine Type: Mammal Family: Erethizontidae Range: The common porcupine can be found in most of Canada and the western United States south to Mexico. In the eastern United States, it can be found in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York and New England. The tree porcupine, also known as the Mexican hairy dwarf porcupine, […]
By shamsul on April 20, 2012
Animals, Mammals

Common Name: Margay also called Tiger Cat Type: Mammal Family: Felidae Range: The Margay is an animal that is found mainly in humid evergreen forests and Distributed from Mexico through Panama, northern Colombia, Peru, northern and eastern Paraguay, northern Uruguay and northern Argentina. These cats are very active in several parts of Costa Rica including […]