
Descriptions of the many types of mammals native to Costa Rica.

False killer Whale

False killer Whale

Common Name: False Killer Whale, Black fish Type: Mammal Family: Delphinidae Range: The false killer whale is a marine animal that is found mainly in all tropical and warm temperature waters. It can found in the sea of Costa Rica and around. However, it has been seen at off the Atlantic coast and also on […]



Type: Aquatic Mammal Family: Delphinidae Range: The Dolphin is an aquatic mammal that is found mainly in warm waters in Atlantic, pacific and Indian Ocean. They are available throughout the U.S., Mexico, and Costa Rica. Size: These dolphins can reach lengths of 1.8-2.6m. Weight: It is weighing 90-150kg Diet: Pacific dolphins eat mostly long and […]



Common Name: Opossums Type: Mammal Family: Didelphimorphia Range: The Opossums is an animal that is found mainly in forests throughout the U.S., Mexico, and Costa Rica. Size: Length from nose to tail, 2.5 ft (76 cm) Weight: It is weighing 8.8 to 13.2 lb (4 to 6 kg) Diet: They are omnivorous. Besides eating horrible […]



Common Name: Skunks Type: Mammal, Scientific name: Mephitis Mephitis Costa Rica’s Skunks: Striped Hog-nosed Skunk – Conepatus semistriatus Family: Skunks are considered part of the family Mustelidae, which also includes badgers and other small burrowing animals. Weight: 7 oz to 14 lbs (198 g to 6 kg) Mephitis mephitis Average length: It can be about […]

Raccoons of Costa Rica

Raccoons of Costa Rica

Common Name: Raccoon Type: Mammal Family: Procyonids Range: The Raccoon is an animal that is found mainly in forests near streams. It is also found in small wooded countryside, suburbs and cities where it accommodates well to human presence. Throughout U.S., Mexico, and Costa Rica. Size: The Raccoon is a robust animal of medium size, […]