By shamsul on August 8, 2012
Animals, Birds

Common Name: Great Kiskadee Type: Bird Family: Tyrannidae Range: The great kiskadee is available in open woodlands, groves, and streamside thickets orchards and easy to find parks. It can be seen in the open land and even in the heart of the city throughout Costa Rica and it is a most recognized bird in the […]
By shamsul on August 7, 2012
Animals, Birds

Common Name: Kingfisher Type: Bird Family: Alcedines Range: Different types of Kingfishers live both in wetlands and woodlands throughout the world. Costa Rica is a magnificent place for birds’ watches. You can see three species of Kingfishers along the river to Tortuguero. There is Amazon Kingfisher, the Ringed Kingfisher and the smallest kingfisher called the […]
By shamsul on July 3, 2012
Animals, Birds

Common Name: Bare-throated Tiger Heron Type: Bird Family: Ardeidae Range: The Fascinated Tiger Heron is found in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. There natural habitat is rivers in Central America including Costa Rica and South America. Size: Bare-throated Tiger Heron has a length of 80 cm (28-32 […]
By Costa Rica Journeys on October 17, 2011
Animals, Birds

Considered as an endangered species, the Scarlet Macaw may probably be the most beautiful and striking breed of macaw the world has ever seen. This bird is also the largest parrot in the world with a size that can grow as long as 33 inches–from beak to tail. With an almost featherless face and impeccably […]
By Costa Rica Journeys on September 10, 2011
Bird Watching, Birds, Protected Zones, Wildlife Refuge

Quetzals, macaws, peacocks, toucans, parrots, owls, you name it–Zoo Ave has it. Known as one of the two zoos in the entire world which displays the Resplendent Quetzals, Zoo Ave (“bird” in Spanish) is also home to over 100 species of native birds, 400 birds received from the public and 95 more from the […]